For 16.1.23 1:1 Tutorials 10-16 – 13.1.23 10-16 – 19.1.23 10-16 We want to pick up some speed, ideally read the first 5-6 chapters before the semester is over, and that means starting a new chapter each week and revising the previous one, too. We’ve had two weeks already, and we’ve got three more ahead of us... More
For 9.1.23 In class, our three small teams explored how differently we might approach Head First Data Analysis. We found that each group developed its own approach, we discussed the strengths and weaknesses of each, and I assigned each group the task, in the last hour and for homework, of integrating what might be learned from the... More
For 2.1.23 Exploiting your active databases Concepts in BPMN Detailed reading of Chapter 1 in HFDA Exploiting your active databases For 2.1.23, document you progress with an annotated screenshoot of your Mendeley database and where you indicate, maybe best with numbers in the screenshot and your annotations, how you explored, developed, and exploited each of the following... More
For 19.12.22 Each week for the next three weeks, create “diagrams of discovery,” for the topics of Design, Mendeley, BPMN, and HFDA, Where you actually work something out that was difficult for you to understand Explain what you had to figure out in a before/after framework And following the transformational learning model’s distinctive phases White Space Citing... More
For 12.12.22 Design White Space A couple of you got interested in borders, to I thought to offer a guide to the larger issue, which is readability and white space more generally. To get an idea of what I am talking about, we looked first at White Space, Mark Boulton, so you see that with careful use... More
For 5.12.22 Learning from others Capture/Sync Notes Mental Models — HF SQL MAMP/WAMP + WordPress Learning from others Identify, analyze, and apply one thing you learn from a classmate and do so in a way that might support the following: Your aim is to develop an audience so you might better find your voice — in the... More
For 21.11.22 SQL: Writing, Talking, Thinking Learning From Others SQL: Writing, Talking, Thinking Learn SQL for you (not for me) and where you pay special attention to how you learn, not just what. Read comparatively the assigned texts, including W3C, Codecademy, and HFSQL and where you alternatively dig into each and step back to explore how differently... More
For 14.11.22 Writing/Thinking SQL I. WritingThinking Spend one hour reviewing the work of a classmate as we began in class and where you explore something you’ve found interesting and, most importantly, where you apply at least a small part of it to your work. When we demonstrate that we have learned something from someone else, even if... More
For 7.11.22 Why? (To make it Interesting: keep asking questions!) Research Questions Learning from each other Learning a function in MS Word (TOC): exploiting resources, note-taking, and learning about all the things involved in a Table of Contents Research Questions Why? (Magnets), Feynman Everything we did today turns around the kind of thinking you will find here,... More
For 31.10.22 Learning from Others Outlining CRM Learning from others The driver surveys the homework and looks for someone who is paying attention and from whom he might learn and then writes up her observations and plans to do adapt in her next homework. The Navigator follows the driver, noting how she went about her work, interesting... More