
  • Attendance
  • Communications
  • Technology
  • Group Schedule


Five modules, 3-4 weeks each, in class and for homework you work on the exercises, share them on Dropbox by Sunday evening, check out what your classmates are doing on Monday, and with a little feedback you dig deeper and revise and so really get to know your material.


Assignments — will appear on

Resources — you will find on and our Dropbox/Resources, and for this first week note especially:

  • Reading McAfee
  • Outlining to Think
  • Learning
  • Team Work

Homework — share on our Dropbox/For folder. Count on 4 hours of homework each week: 2 for the 4 hour class, 1 in the place of exam and exam panic (you submit homework as portfolio, there is no exam), and 1 hour because you figure out how to transform “my” assignment into “your” assignment: this one’s for you!

Messages — simply “reply” or “reply to all” of any our Moodle forum messages, or use my HWR address:

Attendance — Lectures for all from 10-14, team work for four hours as we arrange between 10-16. 80% attendance required, 100% strongly recommended. All meetings on Zoom (link you’ve gotten, save it)

Monday Interviews — 2:1 getting to know you: sign up on Calendly

Portfolios — Weekly share on our Dropbox by Sunday evenings so we can all review on Monday. Final portfolio due 15.2.21 in .doc format and using any of the MS Word .docx files I send you as a template.

Evaluation Evaluation



Lecturing is exhausting for everybody, but working with partners is fun, so we will mostly do that. Be sure to look your best, and if you are an active participant nobody will care about your hair. I treat this online conferencing as part of your professional preparation and to develop your online communication skills.

  • We need light to see, so best is to face a window so the light falls on it and your camera has a great chance to render your humor and beauty
  • Place your camera or PC on some books so that the camera is at eye level so we can look directly at each other (and not be looking at each other’s chins)
  • We will be able to see and hear behind you, so make your bed is made and that your roommates learn how to close the toilet door

What’s App Group

Academic achievement is strongly associated with the ability to create and participate in study groups. Join and use your class and team WhatsApp

Our class blog

I’ll post the specific weekly assignments here and more general topical information on my homepage.

File Sharing

Moodle really is ugly and owned by somebody else, but Dropbox is user-friendly and something you and your friends can use as you like, too, so please install it with the invitation I will send.

  • Install Dropbox
  • Name your portfolio files: “group# firstname,”
  • COPY, DO NOT DRAG files into and out of Dropbox, because if you do you will either remove them from your hard drive or remove them from Dropbox: you want to share copies only.

MS Word

We use MS Word because …

  • Learning the Outline view will help you to think
  • Outlining offers valuable training in the use of tree structures, a very important form of information organisation
  • And this this class is based on a portfolio system whereby you will write up assignments every week for feedback and assemble them at the end into one file for a grade
  • To do this, you will need a free copy of MS WORD from the HWR (you will need either Chrome or Firefox as well as your hwr email login to download)
  • For your first and every lesson, use the “BizApps Template” I’ve put on Dropbox, or the styles you can copy from any MS Word file I send you, as consistent styles are easy to work with and mixing styles are not.

Weekly Portfolios and Grades

This class requires weekly portfolio submissions, which you will learn how to do in the first weeks, so if you are not prepared to do this and would prefer an exam at the end, there are plenty of other classes that do this and you are well-advised to find them.

  • Summative assessments are grades you get at the end of the course when the conversation is over. Formative assessments are the feedbacks you get soon enough so you can do something about it. This class is based on lots and lots of feedback so that you can learn, practice, and move steadily towards your goal. For more, please visit my Feedback page.
  • Grades. As I will explain, I determine your grade in two ways. First, I review every single assignment and determine your achievement in quantitative terms. Second, I review the development of your thought, as you see in my Mega-Evaluation Rubric — what I believe you will see is a comprehensive assessment and course planning tool.

Groups (For 12.10.21)


1 Anton

1 Rosalie

1 Tayo

1 William

1 Majbritt


2 Charlotte

2 Emily

2 Finnegan

2 Josefine

2 Konstantin


3 Aleksandra

3 Lujeen

3 Mats

3 Nodira


4 Jurgen

4 Elizaveta

Anyone Else?